How to warm-up your thighs properly

You must have completed the movement as required below.

1. Stand with bent legs; make a circular movement with the thighs; the opposite of the movement in 2 – 3 is to lift the knees. 2. The movement of the thigh in a circular movement with the thigh in the vertical position and move the whole leg forward; do not move the legs in a standing position and with the knees on the ground.

woman stretching

3. Lift the upper thigh and the top of the lower thigh in the horizontal position. Do not allow the position to change. 4. The movement of the thigh in a horizontal position and move the thigh upward, and then lower the top of the lower thigh in the horizontal position. Do not allow the position to change. 5. Move the thigh in the horizontal position and make the top of the hip to touch to the shoulder level. Let the knee relax and move the thigh upward; let the bottom of the thigh touch to the ground. 6. Move the thigh in the horizontal position and make the knees on the ground. Make the thighs of the leg bent; the same movement as the knee.

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7. Lift the knee and the upper thigh upward. Let the knee and upper thigh touch to the shoulder height. The knee must be at 90 degrees to the ground. 8. The movement of the thigh in a horizontal position and move the thigh downward, and then lift the upper thigh and the top of the lower thigh in the horizontal position. 9. Raise the upper thigh and the top of the lower thigh in a downward position. Let the thigh maintain a horizontal position, and the top of the thigh touch to the shoulder level. 10. The movement of the thigh in a horizontal position and the move of the thigh downward are similar to the movement of the hula hoop and is very effective. Don't overdo it!